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Smart Museum of Art in Chicago


This museum is part of the University of Chicago. You can visit this museum as the public without any hassle. Are you wondering what is different at the museum that you cannot find at the other places? We’ll cover it here in this article.

Exhibitions are part of this museum:

You can have a look at all the different exhibitions that the museum houses. With the multiple exhibits available, you can get to know the new artists entering the industry. Besides, you can also get an expert opinion about the contemporary style of arts and painting too.

You have access to the current, past, and upcoming exhibitions on their website. So, have a look at the Smart Museum of Art Chicago website before you plan to visit the museum.

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Sculpture Garden:

Another attraction of this Smart Museum of Art Chicago is the sculpture garden. You’ll have many sculptures strategically placed in the museum, making the entire area beautiful.

Caters to multiple audiences:

The museum has special events arranged for different audience categories. You can get special programs for women, teens, families, and adults.

Specific audience-related events ensure that you can get the most out of your tour.

Feilter Center:

Feilter Centre is a research center that provides opportunities for graduates and undergraduate students for conducting research.

You can go inside this center to enjoy access to the research facilities or contact the administration if you need any specific help with your research. In both cases, Feilter Center is a resourceful opportunity that students and researchers can get the most benefit from.

Summing up:

Smart Museum of Art in Chicago is one of the best places to visit. You’ll have access to an educational journey along with a touch of art and culture in it.

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